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It doesn’t matter how innovative, interesting, or important your products are: If your business doesn’t have a handle on logistics and supply chain management, you’re in trouble. That’s because a c
If you use the internet in 2017, it’s likely that you use cloud computing in some capacity. Everything from social media to Adobe Photoshop now syncs with the cloud, which makes it easy to post phot
9 February 2019 will bring a new level of safety into medicinal practices. On that date, the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) will go into effect. Under the FMD, all prescription medicine pac
Businesses everywhere are starting to recognize the value of the humble barcode. While consumers may not think much about the simple lines-and-spaces pattern affixed to their grocery purchases, thos
Whether you are a start-up or an established small business, growing your company is a challenge. In fact, close to half of small business owners, polled in the 2017 State of Small Business Report,
Black Friday alone once signaled the start of the Christmas shopping season. Once online shopping became commonplace, we saw the inclusion of Cyber Monday. Days of deals galore dedicated to the hunt
Automation is a loaded word in the American business world nowadays. Robots, drones, software, and artificial intelligence have moved off the pages of science-fiction into our warehouses, manufactur
The universal constant remains in effect. Change is coming to the world of supply chains and logistics. What sorts of new approaches and evolved methods will you come across and how can you best inc
Data protection measures in the EU will soon receive an upgrade more than five years in the making. As of May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect, two years after
When it comes to Super Bowl merchandise, the most common question people ask is, “What happens to all those pre-made shirts with the losing team on them?” The answer is, it depends—but you might see
In a perfect world, nobody would steal from anybody, and we’d all get exactly what we deserve all the time. Unfortunately, we instead live in a world where companies steal approximately $15 billion
You can admit the truth: It gets tiresome, doesn’t it? The same four walls day in, day out, of the office. And the commute? Tied up in traffic or queued for the underground: It cuts into your day, yo
Geoffrey the Giraffe learned a hard lesson: Toys ‘R’ Us, the nation’s largest toy store chain, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Sept. 18. The retailer owes in the neighborhood of$5 bill
One appealing feature of ordering a pizza is that you can almost always find somewhere that delivers to you. Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, even local, one-shop pizzerias will hire drivers to carry your di
Half a century ago, Star Trek made us believe one day we could explore and discover with the full benefit of our databases at our fingertips. Press a button and you could update your files. Flip a s
If you’re a business owner in 2017, your company may be more like an NFL (or college, if that’s more your speed) football team than you might realize. Many organizations are undergoing technologic
The healthcare industry, from clinics to labs and family practices to hospitals, use a vast amount of specialized equipment, materials, and medications to serve patients. In order to store and organ
The season is almost to an end. It's almost time to take down the tree, tuck away the ornaments, and ready yourself for the leftovers: Holiday goods that failed to sell and returned the holiday merc
For anyone who runs small businesses in the UK, chances are your holiday plans remained steady ever since you opened your doors: You work the Christmas holiday. Most likely, you work New Year's as w
Small business owners know that there’s really no such thing as a vacation. Especially in the first months and even years of the life of the business, it can feel like every day is make-or-break, an
The retail industry is already well into the holiday spirit. Take a stroll into any specialty shop or local department store and you will notice at least one aisle decked out with reds, greens, and
We are in the full throes of baseball season, which means millions of fans across the country are headed to MLB ballparks to hear the crack of the bat and watch for home run balls headed their way.
It’s that time of year again: The holidays are upon us and business shall soon boom! Are you ready? No, really: Are you? How did your small business prepare for the upcoming Christmas holidays? P
Another NFL season is kicking into gear, and as always, we the fans are worried about just one thing: How our teams are doing. Will we win this Sunday? Make the playoffs? Claim the Super Bowl trophy
Businesses everywhere are gearing up for the most important time of the year: the holiday season, which begins earlier and earlier as eCommerce retailers and brick-and-mortar small businesses compet
We all make jokes about spring cleaning: We throw open the shutters to air out the musty air of winter and breathe in renewal. Funny how that carries over to our businesses as well. Out with the old
Santa may make his list and check it twice to figure out who’s naughty or nice, but his production chief is the one who ensures rewards (or coal) are plentiful for the Christmas Eve flight. Do you k
The next time you go to hospital, pay special attention to the band affixed to your wrist in triage. Notice the printed barcode? Once the nurse clasps it to you, watch as she places stickers to your
There may never be a more understated yet wildly influential and foundational piece of technology than the barcode, which is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year. As the barcode officially bec
As an artisan, you want to focus on perfecting your art and envisioning new ideas. But as a small business owner, you may feel the everyday tasks of running a business get in the way. And as your b