What Do Small Businesses Use To Track Their Assets?

Most small business owners can attest that there is a lot more to the “business” side of things than they might have originally expected. Selling donuts, handmade crafts, software, or anything else

How Asset Management Can Benefit Your School This Year

October is here and with it hallways echoing with the sounds of students, lectures, and the day-to-day of school life. Class bells will ring for each period, instructors will prime the budding minds

Why Barcodes Almost Never Fail

Most modern businesses that deal with transporting inventory and assets from one place to another—from a supplier to the company warehouse, or to a customer’s doorstep—understand the need for a barc

Toxicity: What It Means To Deal With A Toxic Employee

Most everyone can bring to mind a person in their office who can best be described as “toxic.” Attitude, work ethic, general personality, whatever the characteristic, this person can poison an other

After Harvey And Irma, What Small Businesses Need To Plan For

Hurricane season has been especially deadly, dangerous, and costly this year: Hurricane Harvey swept through Texas and caused possibly hundreds of billions of dollars in damages, not to mention live

The Warehouses of the Future

If you’re above a certain age, you likely have an outdated image in your head of what a warehouse looks like. (And if you’re below that age, you likely don’t think about warehouses at all.) Those in

You’re the Boss, But Are You A Good One?

What spurred you on to make the jump from employee to employer? Did you want to make your own hours and work at your own pace? Did you want to see your name on a desk placard with the words “Founde

What the Fidget Spinner Trend Teaches Us About Inventory Management

The biggest trend of 2017 so far has got to be fidget spinners. If you have kids, they probably have fidget spinners. You can buy them everywhere from the corner store to Amazon. They come in a vari

The North American Free Trade Agreement

Generally speaking, 2017 has been a good year for business, with consumer confidence on the rise, the stock market hitting all-time highs, and hundreds of thousands of jobs being added each month. I

The Effects and Preventative Measures That Go Along With Unpaid Invoices

  What do freelancers, solopreneurs, small business owners, and large corporations all share in common? They all run the risk of taking on a client that, for one reason or another, doesn’t pay the

How To Get Rid Of, Sell Or Otherwise Dispose Of Your Fixed Assets

In order for most small businesses to make money, they need both inventory (or a service) and fixed assets, the long-term capital investments used in the production of income. Fixed assets are thing

How To Build A Smarter Warehouse

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the business world—specifically retail—has undergone a massive change over the last few years. The way we shop has been altered dramatically, an

How To Keep Your Supply Chain Secure In the Hacking Era

Whether it’s concerns about Russian influence in elections, North Korea’s ability to infiltrate corporate emails, or bugs and malware that attack businesses that are supposed to safeguard consumer i

The Unsung Hero of "Game of Thrones"

It’s “Game of Thrones” season again, which means millions of people all over the world are tuning in on Sundays to see how the stories of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, and the other big players in W

Your Online Presence: Small Business Websites and How They Can Benefit You

It seems almost inconceivable given the online nature of life today, but more than 50 percent of UK small businesses suffer a lack of significant online presence. In fact, 30 per cent of them don’t

How Barcodes Can Make Attendance Records More Accurate For the Bottom Line

Do you remember the days when you could hand a cardstock ticket to an attendant at the ballpark gates? The rip just before he handed you a stub that reminded you where you could find your seat? Ball

Not Just Delivery: The Future of Commercial Drones

Consumers hold certain expectations when it comes to their parcel delivery. They want it quickly, with as little fuss as possible, and with their order intact and undamaged. How quickly, though, is

Spotify Shows How Businesses Can Better Use QR Codes

Barcodes aren’t sexy. We all know that. But for decades, they didn’t have to be: They were used primarily by businesses to track the location, status, and price of their inventory and assets. But th

What To Do With Your Distribution Center Metrics?

To run a successful, small business, it’s imperative that your distribution center (DC) runs efficiently. After all, the health of your business and the satisfaction of your customers depend on you

How Wimbledon Aces Asset Tracking

The oldest, and widely considered the most prestigious, tennis tournament in the world needs all the advantage it can get when it comes to asset tracking. Wimbledon has been held since 1877 and the

Creative Ways To Use Barcodes Around the World

If you’re a small business owner who recognizes the value of tracking your inventory as it makes its way from the supply chain, you probably already utilize barcodes in some capacity. Either that, o

Independence Day: How To Ring In America’s Birthday In Your Small Business

America turns 241 years old this July 4th, an opportunity for businesses to show their patriotism through sales and celebrations and its citizens to help keep the economy’s wheels in motion. Discoun

Be Your Own Boss: The Rise of the Freelance Solopreneur

There’s a certain allure to the thought of being one’s own boss. You (in theory) answer to no one. You can (to an extent) run things as you deem fit. You make the rules (so long as they comply with

Supply and Demand Meets Consumer Demand

Changes in the supply chain and how the modern consumer continues to influence its progress Do you remember the days of old when you would mail in a slip of paper and a check? In exchange, you coul

Put Yourself Out There: Small Businesses in the Age of Social Media

Congratulations are in order! You took the steps necessary and joined the ranks of 5.5 million other UK-based small businesses. Welcome to the fold, and now a question: How can you differentiate you

How the Barcode Makes Real-Time Package Tracking Possible

Do me a favor: Go find a package you recently received. Did you find one? Great, now look at the label. Do you see that mass of blocks and black? You should recognize that from other purchases you

How the Sharing Economy Has Changed the Supply Chain

  There was a time not too long ago when the thought of getting into a stranger’s car, or sleeping in their bed, was unthinkable. We only trusted cab drivers to ferry us from place to place, or hot

5 Important Factors of Efficiency in the Workforce

For as long as WatchGuard Video could remember, they were printing pre-designed label templates through an outside company. At one time, they were spending about $7,000 a year on custom labels from

Why Do People Love Barcode Printers?

Anyone who works in retail, shipping, or even healthcare and entertainment can tell you the value of a barcode printer. Whether it’s an industrial printer for use in the warehouse or a desktop machi

Physical Inventory Management In A Digital World

Today’s omni-channel consumers want to be able to get their products through the fastest medium possible, whether delivery, ordering online for in-store pickup, or going to an actual store to shop.

Showing Results 91-120 of 1075