According to a Cisco study, 3 out of 5 workers say they
don’t need to be in the office to be productive. Mobile computing devices allow these individuals to choose a work location instead of the task determining where work is completed. Currently, smartphones, tablets, and mobile computers are the most common devices used. Often, these devices are owned by the employees—61% use personal tablets and 77% use personal smartphones every day to complete work tasks. There are significant benefits in allowing employees to use either corporate owned or
personally owned mobile devices. The increased flexibility mobile computing offers results in more productive employees. 78% of small business owners believe using mobile applications saves time—on average, 11.3 employee hours per week (the equivalent of 22 full work weeks).
There is an increased need to access data outside of the office, either while traveling or because information is needed outside of “traditional” work hours. Providing employees immediate access to a central database of information – client files, shared documents, or a customer relationship management (CRM) system – means you’ve granted those employees a level of flexibility in meeting their work responsibilities. The ease to both access and update information in real-time is invaluable to all employees and guarantees better customer service and support because users are working more efficiently and, in turn, more productively.
When employees use mobile computers to complete work tasks, they’re more productive because they aren’t wasting time traveling between multiple locations—they’re actually fully completing tasks rather than waiting to enter information when they have access to a corporate network. The most common
tasks completed using remote access: 87% search for work-related information, 80% save work to a network drive, 56% transfer data between applications.
Processes are streamlined when using mobile computers:
- Time is saved
- Waste is reduced
- Cycle times are decreased
- Rework is eliminated
- Accuracy is improved
- Time spent on customer complaints is decreased
Businesses that incorporate mobile applications into their work processes
see significant results—42% increase in productivity; 39% reduction in paperwork; 37% increase in revenue.
Customer Satisfaction
By increasing both flexibility and productivity, employees are able to provide greater customer satisfaction more quickly—guaranteeing you are meeting the needs and demands of your customers. And it’s vitally important to your continued success to keep your customers happy. Unhappy or frustrated
customers don’t come back; in fact, 91% will not do business with your company again after a poor experience, and it’s 6-7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep one.
Employee and customer needs can be easily and simply met by allowing your staff to use mobile computers to complete routine work tasks.
Wasp Mobile Computers
Wasp’s mobile computer offerings guarantee you’ll find the right option to meet your business’ needs.
HC1 mobile computer combines reliable and rugged construction with the versatility you need in today’s aggressive business environments—field service; healthcare; asset and inventory management; warehouse management; transportation and logistics. Scan 1D barcodes with the integrated laser scan engine, and instantly download your data back to a PC using the built-in wireless connectivity.
The HC1 includes a user-friendly, Windows embedded operating system for fast, efficient data collecting. The oversized, color LCD touch screen allows you to use two applications at the same time.
DT90 mobile computer meets the demands of scan-intensive environments— retail; industrial and manufacturing; field service; warehouse management; transportation and logistics. Collect data accurately and efficiently with the integrated 1D barcode laser scanner, or add and update data with the 38-key, functional keypad. The backlit, color touch-screen delivers crisp, high contrast viewing so data can be easily reviewed indoors or outdoors.
The DT90 is durable and built to tolerate tough, high-traffic environments. It features the user-friendly Windows professional operating system and allows connectivity to your organization’s wireless network—guaranteeing you have access to the data you need when you need it.
DT60 mobile computer is ideal for demanding environments—retail; inventory and asset management; healthcare and pharmacies; grocery and convenience stores; hospitality and entertainment. The DT60 is a durable option and allows for flexible data entry methods—ensuring your information is collected quickly and easily. The integrated, laser scan engine reads 1D barcodes, and the high-contrast, color screen displays information clearly indoors and outdoors.
The user-friendly, Windows embedded operating system ensures compatibility with a variety of mobile applications. Using the DT60’s integrated connectivity, data captured on-the-go can be sent wirelessly to your PC.