Cloud-Based | Multi-Site | Cross-Device

Advanced Cloud Asset Management Software

AssetCloud provides you with an intelligent view of the past, present and future of all asset management processes for your organization.

Cloud Asset Management Solutions Built for Accountability and Insight


AssetCloud’s reporting suite includes 25 common, pre-built reports that help you manage your assets and collect data-driven feedback. Every report provides a high-level summary of your assets, while also allowing you to set parameters to drill down into specific asset types, time periods in your asset history, as well as numerous other data points, so you have the information you need to make critical business decisions.


Tired of asset management software that can’t report on the data your organization needs? Unlock your operational efficiency with cloud-based asset management. AssetCloud’s report design engine provides you the tools to create clear and accurate asset tracking reports that are tailored to your business.


Managing several critical reports can be a chore. With AssetCloud, you can automatically schedule reports to be sent to you every day to ensure you receive the information you need for your business, and ensure authorized users can access your cloud resources wherever they happen to be. Cloud services should mean complete visibility. With AssetCloud, your team can automate reports, manage access controls and view current assets from wherever they may be.

Asset Tracking Software

WATCH: AssetCloud Overview
Runtime: 1:33

What Wasp Asset Customers Say

"AssetCloud can be accessed from different locations with no confusion. The improvement we saw over our old system of using pen and paper made a huge difference for us in the field. I would recommend using AssetCloud to other nonprofits and organizations because of how easy it is to use."

- Alvin, Digital Health Specialist - View Case Study

“Our assets were harder to track before using AssetCloud. Our annual inventory process took much longer before using the software and scanning system. By using AssetCloud, we have a simple and more accurate way of tracking.”

- Jeanette, Asset Management Coordinator - View Case Study

"Life before Wasp was an every afternoon challenge. Trying to understand what was in house, coming in that day or needing to be routed was a true resource drain. AssetCloud was “ibuprofen” for our process and the headache is gone!"

- John, Director of Operations - View Case Study

“The Department of Intergovernmental Services’ asset tracking program has been so successful that other departments often ask to use our Wasp system so they can track their assets. The other departments have seen how successful we have been and want to make their program run just as efficiently.”

- Dina, Fund Analyst - View Case Study

“I estimate that we save the equivalent of $30,000 in time, just on the reduced field auditing alone. I really don’t know how any government property manager could operate without something like Wasp. It has simplified my life.”

- Terry, Property Manager - View Case Study

"I love the idea of using the mobile device. It provides an ongoing and automated way for me to update the equipment each and every day. It’s been a big time saver as I am constantly verifying our inventory."

- Erskine, Campus Network Specialist - View Case Study
Asset Tracking App for iOS and Android

Easy Audits to Verify and Eliminate Inconsistencies

Performing asset audits with reliable asset management software is essential for accurate tracking. As every asset manager knows, you've got to verify which physical assets your organization actually owns to ensure the accountability of your assets for accurate records. You can quickly conduct audits on a mobile computer, iOS, or Android device.

Triggered Notifications for Critical Intelligence

Receiving instant feedback on asset-related events within your organization allows everyone to be better informed on maintenance history, asset lifecycle management, and asset tracking. AssetCloud’s notification engine allows you to set custom triggers to save time and empower your entire team with information from one cloud platform.

Inventory Identical Multi-Quantity Assets

The multi-quantity asset feature provides your organization with a fast and effective solution to consolidate and track how many identical assets you have - without tracking each individual item. This cloud-based solution can make tracking valuable assets easier for everyone.

Centralize Contracts, Service Agreements, and Licenses

What can cloud-based asset management do for your business? Ensuring all your assets are associated with their proper agreements allows you to manage your assets with greater efficiency and not lose sight of expiring contracts. AssetCloud provides your organization with one centralized database that manages of all your contracts, service agreements and software licenses.

Customizable Depreciation for Accurate Bookkeeping

The asset lifecycle management process of setting up depreciation classes and calculating depreciation provides your organization with proper record-keeping in a convenient and straightforward procedure. AssetCloud has five customizable methods of depreciation, which ensure your organization and accounting team are covered.

Mobile Asset Management

Organizations Trust Wasp for Asset Tracking Software

Lockheed Martin


Mercedes Benz

US Navy



Jenny Craig



US Air Force


Hewlett Packard

See Our Asset Management Software in Use


All your organization’s asset data made accessible, adaptable, and reliable in one cloud-based asset management system.


Save time by managing user accounts, permissions, and security settings in one place. Enterprise-grade role-based security allows you to define fine-grained access rights for each user.


Stop wasting your time logging information that is more easily captured with an efficient barcode asset tracking system.


Quickly find exactly what you need with smart views and a conditional search feature. Users can create and save custom views that are pertinent to their needs and share them across the organization.


Choose a standard report or build our own. Compile and visualize data that keeps you informed about your organization.

Let Us Show You How It Works

Request a free 30-minute demo of a Wasp asset management solution.

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